Edwin Gonzalez

Track H: Resiliency and Reliability
Wed/PM 2:30 PM - 3:00 PM
Energy Engineer
CPower Energy Management
United States
The California Electric Grid on Labor Day Week 2022 and Demand Response

During the Labor Day Week 2022 (September 5th through the 9th) a record setting heat wave led to record demand on the California electric grid. On Tuesday, September 6, the grid peaked at 52,061 MW and the California Independent System Operator (CAISO) came within 2.5 GW of enacting rotating blackouts throughout the state. This presentation will introduce the audience to the California “Duck Curve” and how this shape of supply and demand defines the energy conversation in California. The demand, supply, and emissions during the 2022 Labor Day week will be compared to historical data. Finally, the presenter will discuss demand response programs and highlight how commercial and industrial energy users prevented rolling blackouts through their participation. This will give audience members an opportunity to assess the merit of demand response programs and whether they are beneficial to their operations.

I am currently an Energy Engineer at CPower Energy Management. I performs load analysis for commercial and industrial facilities interested in participating in demand response programs. My territories of knowledge include CAISO, Arizona Public Service, and Montana-Dakota Utilities.
Prior to joining CPower I worked at a startup developing a solar plus thermal storage system. I helped secure $1.75 million in grant awards from various programs funded by the California Energy Commission.

I received a Master's of Mechanical Engineering from San Diego State University in 2019. My research involved programming a thermal energy storage system for a concentrated solar power combined cycle power plant model using Matlab.

I passed the California EIT exam in 2021. Received Energy Manager-in-Training after passing the Certified Energy Manager exam in 2022.

Professionally, I am very much interested in learning more about energy issues in the United States. I am intrigued by how the transition to renewables creates more challenges for grid reliability. Locally I am interested how policies at the federal and state level impact the price of energy . I am fascinated to learn how market dynamics impact supply of natural gas and how demand spikes challenge grid operators to keep the energy from the brink of collapse.

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