
Tom Prevish


NorthWest Engineering Service, Inc. | President


Track G: Energy Services

Session G2: Building Commissioning and Optimization

September 26, 2024 | 10:00 am - 10:30 am

Commissioner, Heal Thyself

This presentation will describe the experiences of a commissioning company that became a first-time building owner and undertook a major renovation, including gutting and rebuilding the interior and replacing ninety percent of the HVAC system. However, at 30,000 sq. ft. and being a relatively straightforward construction project, it would typically not be one judged to be worth the cost of engaging a certified commissioning authority. Several mistakes were made during the 19-month project that would have been avoided if a formal commissioning process had been instituted during the beginning of the design phase, lessons learned that other small building owners should take into consideration. In addition, this presentation will provide insight regarding the construction process from the owner’s standpoint, which may be of value when marketing services for similar projects that are frequently dismissed as not complex enough to require third-party independent commissioning.

Speaker Bio

Tom Prevish is the president of NorthWest Engineering Service, Inc. in Portland, OR, and has been working on energy and power generation projects for commercial and residential buildings for 25 years. He’s been a member of international code and safety committees for hydrogen and fuel cells, has led projects with key industry players in North America, Europe, and Asia, and taught as an adjunct professor for local colleges and universities. He is a registered Professional Engineer in Oregon, Washington, and Pennsylvania.