
Richard Kelly


Dublin City University | Estates Manager


Track L: Community Energy Transitions

Session L2: Colleges & Universities Accelerating Community Energy Transitions

September 26, 2024 | 9:00 am - 9:30 am

Decarbonizing and Conserving our Utilities at Dublin City University

Dublin City University currently sits at nearly 40% towards our decarbonisation targets. Well ahead of government requirements and with ambitious plans to reach over 60% decarbonisation by 2030. Plans include the continuation and ramping up of our renewable power installations (PV) and renewable heat integrations (Heat Pumps), and with increasing intent on the complete and absolute elimination of energy related carbon through energy management, conservation, retrofits, fabric upgrades, plant replacements and controls upgrades. Together with a continued emphasis on our existing building stock, DCU made the decision in 2019 to complete all new build projects and refurbishments with fully electric solutions and with absolutely no fossil fuel requirement. These strategies have enabled DCU to build a strong base and better our mid decade targets. The second half of the decade will bring serious challenges and our paper and presentation will outline our achievements to date, and our new five year strategic energy plan to achieve our 2030 targets. It will highlight learnings to date, for replication across all large energy using organisations, plans to hit net zero energy emissions in the early part of the next decade, and the ongoing engagement role that Dublin City University is playing in educating and engaging the surrounding community, in overall support of Ireland’s contribution to the aggressive decarbonisation goals of the European Union

Speaker Bio

My name is Richard Kelly, and I am currently employed by Dublin City University as Estates Manager, with
specific responsibility for the strategic management, planning, direction and development of university
energy policy, performance, certification and decarbonisation. I am a Chartered Engineer with over 30 years
of Consultancy, Projects, Operations, Facilities and Energy Management experience. I hold an Honours
Degree in Building Services Engineering from the University of Ulster, an Executive Masters in Business
Administration from Dublin City University, a Postgraduate Diploma in Sustainable Energy from the
University of Dublin, Trinity College, and I have Corporate Membership with the UK Energy Institute. I am a
Certified Energy Manager, Certified Energy Auditor, Certified Measurement & Verification Professional,
Certified Water Steward, and an ISO 50001 Energy Management System Lead Auditor. I have a specific
interest in Organisational Energy Management Strategy, Energy Systems Certification, and the
Decarbonisation of Energy Systems within the Built Environment, and I have presented numerous papers on
these subjects at conferences in the US, UK, and Ireland. I currently serve on the Board of Directors of the
UK Energy Management Association.