
Michel de Laire


Task Energy | CEO


Track B: Energy Management

Session B3: ISO 50001 - The What, Why, and How

September 27, 2024 | 9:30 am - 10:00 am

Critical Success Factors for ISO 50001 Energy Management System Implementation

There are many organizations that need to manage their energy to improve the competitiveness or to meet decarbonization goals.
Many organizations begin an EnMS implementation, allocating resources and time from their team, but fail to complete the requirements of ISO 50001, ending this initiative without any results.
Before beginning the implementation of an EnMS, the organization must determine if it meets the following critical success factors:
1. Top management involvement
2. Cross section energy team
3. Energy performance improvement
4. Energy efficiency projects portfolio

Speaker Bio

Industrial Engineer, Electrical Engineer, MBA, Certified Energy Manager (CEM), ISO5001:2018 IRCA Lead Auditor. Professional with 24 years of experience in electrical power systems, energy efficiency and implementation of management systems related to the energy sector, such as business continuity (ISO22301), energy management (ISO50001) and asset management (ISO55001).
Since 2008, he has participated in ISO/TC 301 - Energy management and energy savings, supporting the development of ISO50001-Energy Management Systems and other complementary standards. From April 2011 to July 2014, he worked at the Chilean Energy Efficiency Agency, where he began the process of implementing the ISO 50001 standard in Chile and training for professionals in the sector.
Currently he is CEO of Task Energy, consultancy company specialized in energy management systems implementation in mining and other industries.