
Herbert Dwyer



Track A: FED Energy

Session A3: Energy Security

September 27, 2024 | 10:30 am - 11:00 am

Are Counterfeit Parts the Greatest Risk for Future Energy Security?

More than 30% of all integrated circuits in circulation today are counterfeit. Not only are these parts often of inferior quality, but many contain malware from foreign adversaries and domestic criminals. Unfortunately, many of these circuits have made their way into existing critical infrastructure – including utility equipment – and continue to infect the supply chain in various energy and equipment industries. In the event of an international incident or the outbreak of war, experts believe the entire American grid could be sidelined for 3-12 months. New technologies, including artificial intelligence, are seeking to solve this issue through rapid identification. This presentation will outline the types of counterfeit electronic parts, the current threat landscape, and how breakthroughs in AI can play a crucial role in battling the threats posed by the flood of counterfeit in utility and HVAC OEM supply chain.

Speaker Bio

Former chair of the Northeast Clean Heat and Power Initiative (NECHPI) and a three-time CEO, Herbert spent 7 years as the President/CEO of a regional energy services company. In that role, he conducted over 300 energy audits and design-builds in energy efficiency and clean heating and cooling; it was the frustrating experiences with an inefficient energy auditing process that led him to co-found EMPEQ. Herbert and his EMPEQ team have attacked this problem in building the revolutionary Fast Site SurveyTM – an app that reduces the time spent on this initial assessment process by up to 80%.

EMPEQ is just the latest in a string of Dwyer-led ventures as he has founded or co-founded companies in the real estate, energy efficiency, and finance industries and led sales teams of up to 80 individuals. A Cornell MBA, US Marine / NSA cryptanalyst, and the keynote speaker at 2022, 2023, & 2024 AEE World Technology Breakfast, Herbert also worked as the General Manager for FedEx in Central New York - the department rose to second of 1,200 regions in sales during his tenure.