Presentation Title:

Leveraging ASHRAE 14 Guidelines for Robust Building Energy Modeling and Decarbonization Strategies

Track I: Decarbonization and Electrification

Session I1: Energy Software and Modeling as a Decarbonization Strategy

Day 1  3:30 pm



Building energy models are critical for understanding the performance of a building and the impact of implementing multiple energy efficiency measures (EEMs) and their interactions. Energy models provide means for replicating known systems and assessing several EEM combinations. However, the reliability of the results depends on the modeler’s experience, the quality of the input, the modeling methodology, and the soundness of the baseline considerations. For baseline scenarios, ASHRAE 14 guidelines offer valuable advice.
ASHRAE 14 outlines a strategy for creating a calibrated baseline model that closely matches the actual energy consumption of a building. These guidelines include recommendations about data collection procedures, model debugging strategies, and for selecting modeling software. ASHRAE 14 also introduces a statistical comparison technique for assessing the reliability of calibrated models.
Modelers can duplicate and modify reliable calibrated models to simulate various EEM packages and compare results to reveal insights into energy savings and carbon emissions reductions. These are fundamental in defining decarbonization pathways grounded in technical and financial assessments.
This presentation discusses ASHRAE 14 and explores best practices in building energy modeling. The discussion will include a case study to explain the critical role of these guidelines in creating effective decarbonization strategies for buildings