Presentation Title:

Lessons from the Trenches: Practical Perspectives on Monitoring-Based Commissioning

Track G: Energy Services

Session G2: Building Commissioning and Optimization

Day 2  9:00 am



Drawing on real-world experiences overseeing over 40 million square feet of diverse building portfolios, this session delves into the heart of MBCx implementation, offering invaluable insights for professionals navigating the complexities of optimizing building performance. From strategies for data-driven decision-making to the significance of real-time system monitoring, we explore the practical aspects of MBCx that go beyond theoretical frameworks. The discussion extends to effective occupant engagement practices and the establishment of a continuous improvement framework, providing a holistic understanding of MBCx challenges and solutions. Through case studies derived from hands-on experiences, we illustrate the application of these strategies, showcasing tangible results and emphasizing the importance of a proactive approach. Join us for an engaging exploration of Monitoring-Based Commissioning, where we share key best practices to empower organizations aiming for optimal building performance and sustained energy efficiency gains. This session promises actionable insights, grounded in real-world trenches, to enhance your MBCx journey.