Presentation Title:

Human Centric IEQ and Energy Audit

Track G: Energy Services

Session G3: Energy Auditing

Day 1  9:00 am


This abstract presents the positive outcomes of conducting an energy audit and Indoor Enviromental Quality consultancy in a 150,000 square feet office building, with a specific focus on enhancing the well-being of occupants. The goal of this project was to improve energy consumption, human wellness, comfort, and productivity. To do that we use different measurement equipments as cycardian lights, radiant thermal comfort, sound reverb, lighting quality, water quality, energy dataloggers, etc.

The results of this project were notable. Firstly, energy consumption was reduced, resulting in significant cost savings for the building owner and a reduced negative impact on the environment. Secondly, the improved IEQ contributed to a healthier and more comfortable work environment, which positively impacted occupant wellness, reduced absenteeism, and improved productivity.

The objective of this conference is not only show the case study, but also to show to the energy fellows how the craft of the energy efficiency consultancy can evolve to improve the value added in the real estate ecosystem.