Presentation Title:

EmpowerHer: Thriving as a Woman Entrepreneur in Energy Efficiency

Track B: Energy Management

Session B1: Starting an Energy Efficiency Business

Day 1  10:00 am



‘EmpowerHer: Thriving as a Woman Entrepreneur in Energy Efficiency” delves into the unique journey of Sadie Bronk, CEO and Co-Founder of Energy Bees. Drawing from over 20 years of experience in the utility industry, Sadie will share her insights on the challenges and triumphs of leading a woman-owned business in the energy efficiency sector. This engaging session will cover the highs and lows of entrepreneurship. Attendees will gain valuable lessons on resilience, innovation, and leadership, and discover how Sadie’s intuitive decision-making and commitment to meaningful work have propelled Energy Bees to make a significant impact on the environment and society. Join us to be inspired and learn strategies for thriving as a woman entrepreneur in the energy industry.