John Thomas
WaterFurnace International, Inc. | President & CEO
Track B: Energy Management
Session B2: Project Innovation: Funding and Technology go Hand-in-Hand
September 26, 2024 | 9:00 am - 9:30 am
Maximizing Cost Savings through Sustainable Infrastructure Upgrades: A Guide to Funding Decarbonization and Indoor Air Quality Improvements
The Louisville Muhammad Ali International Airport recently installed the largest geothermal HVAC system of any airport without major disruption to their everyday functions. This accomplishment includes benefits beyond energy reduction—a more comfortable environment for travelers, more outside air filtered into the terminal, an 80% carbon footprint reduction, $340,000 heating and cooling savings annually, less maintenance required and room for future system expansion. It’s also a lesson to all on how decarbonization, energy efficiency and sustainability-focused infrastructure upgrades generate significant cost savings. We were able to help the airport make infrastructure decisions that met their present and future needs, improved their indoor air quality, prioritized environmental sustainability, increased resiliency and integrated ESG initiatives. We also identified which funding opportunities were best suited to their goals and would provide the most dollars—making sustainability affordable by lowering the first cost of high-performance systems. These strategies can be applied to a wide variety of industries, not just airports. Our goal is to help show the audience at the 2024 AEE World Conference that sustainable, convenient and efficient HVAC systems are a great investment, great for the environment and easier to implement than they might think.
Speaker Bio
In December 2016, John Thomas joined WaterFurnace International as President & CEO. John began his career in the HVAC industry in 1995 with GE Motors and Controls. In 2000, John was selected to lead GE’s HVAC Motor Business. After Regal’s acquisition of GE’s HVAC Business in 2004, he held multiple Global Leadership roles prior to joining the WaterFurnace Team.