
Heather Dylla


Construction Partners, Inc. | VP of Sustainability and Innovation


Track J: Industrial Energy Efficiency

Session J2: Life Cycle Assessment in Policy and Energy Management

September 26, 2024 | 9:30 am - 10:00 am

How Construction Partners, Inc. Uses Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) to Inform and Shape Their Energy Management Program

The Federal Government has identified asphalt as a construction material with high embodied carbon. As an industry, asphalt is focused on achieving lower embodied carbon and increasing transparency of emissions through supporting the reporting of Environmental Product Declarations (EPDs). Construction Partners, Inc. is committed to scaling an energy management across their 70+ hot mix asphalt (HMA) plants to improve energy efficiency throughout their operations. Learn how life cycle assessment (LCA) informs and shapes CPI’s energy management efforts.

Speaker Bio

Dr. Heather Dylla is the Vice President of Sustainability and Innovation at Construction Partners, Inc. Operating in southeastern US, she is responsible for developing programs and strategies that help CPI’s asphalt plants, aggregate facilities, liquid terminals, and construction operations quantify and reduce their environmental impacts through operational improvements and bridging of research and practice. With previous experience in both government and industry, Dr. Dylla’s major accomplishments include the development of FHWA’s LCA Pave (a Life Cycle Assessment tool) and the first U.S. Environmental Product Declaration (EPD) Program for asphalt mixtures.

Heather serves on the board for the National Center of Asphalt Technology, leads the Transportation Research Board subcommittee for Sustainable and Resilient Pavements, and has over 35 peer reviewed journal articles and conference proceedings. She obtained her doctorate from Louisiana State University in engineering science where she focused on quantifying the environmental impacts of photocatalytic concrete pavements.