
Guy Warner

Pareto Energy LTD | Chairman and CEO


Track A: FED Energy

Session A3: Energy Security

September 27, 2024 | 9:00 am - 9:30 am

Distributed Utility Business Model

For operators of critical infrastructure, regulated utility monopolies that operate the wide-area electrical grid can neither provide the quantity of power to make a timely response to increasing demands for electrification nor the quality of power needed to meet operational imperatives for resilience and reliability. Based on its collaboration with the US Conference of Mayors Public-Private Partnership Task Force, the American Association of Port Authorities’ Port Electrification Program and a cooperative research and development agreement with the Naval Postgraduate School, Pareto Energy will present an alternative distributed utility business model for the installation of local-area integrated community energy systems (“ICES”) consisting of multiple interconnected microgrids. Examples of ICES enabling technologies and institutional and legal frameworks that have proven successful in the field will be highlighted.

Speaker Bio

A quantitative financial economist trained in the Washington National Tax Service of Price Waterhouse during the 1980, Guy has founded his own firm thereafter and had focused his work since 1990 on developing new business models to mitigate climate change, including the development of project financing for onsite power projects. Guy has served as a financial advisor on bilateral carbon trades that were successfully registered as part of the US State Department’s Joint Implementation Initiative. He founded Pareto Energy in 2004 in collaboration with the United States Conference of Mayors (“USCM”) where he now sits on the Board of US Mayor Enterprises. Thereafter, he has solely financed the $13 million to develop GridLink, a multisided platform to optimize the electrical and institutional networking of consumer-owned microgrids. Guy received his B.A. in Government from St. Lawrence University and completed PhD-level course work in economics at George Washington University.