Clay Hoover
Tennessee Valley Authority | Senior Program Manager
Track J: Industrial Energy Efficiency
Session J3: Industrial Energy Management
September 27, 2024 | 9:00 am - 9:30 am
Navigating the SEM landscape: unpacking scalability for industrial energy management
As a mission-driven public utility, the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) collaborates with partner utilities and other stakeholders to design and test new models for energy efficiency programs that support quality of life and promote economic development opportunities in the communities it serves.
For its large commercial and industrial end users, TVA offers a Strategic Energy Management (SEM) program designed to help companies reduce energy through operational and process efficiencies. Through on-site training sessions, access to incentives, and technical consulting, TVA is at the forefront of helping participants boost their triple bottom line through energy efficiency. This 24-month, cohort-style program comes at no cost and typically saves participating industries approximately 10% on their annual energy costs.
This presentation will highlight lessons learned from the first year of the pilot with specific insights on scaling a program from a customer-centric point of view, from recruitment and program design to continuous engagement. We will highlight case study examples intended to inform, encourage and inspire other energy service providers to consider SEM-based programs as a unique and effective way to engage a harder-to-reach customer segment.
Speaker Bio
Clay Hoover is a Senior Program Manager with Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) EnergyRight for Business and Industry, with 14 years of experience helping commercial and industrial customers leverage energy efficiency to achieve higher performance. Clay, the TVA Financial Service Engineer of the Year in 2023, has a wide range of experience successfully implementing SEM programing. This includes SEM efforts with TVA’s Magnolia Combined Cycle Plant in Ashland, Mississippi, that led to a 50001 Ready recognition. Clay currently oversees TVA’s EnergyRight School Uplift Program, working with K-12 school districts across the Tennessee Valley to make smart energy choices. Clay has also contributed to program design and management of TVA’s SEM programs for Industrial, Multifamily, and a potential hospital program.
Clay holds a bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering from the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga and is a licensed professional engineer in Tennessee. Clay and his wife Alexa live in Nashville with their daughter Cora. Outside of work they enjoy spending time outdoors hiking and rock climbing.