Presentation Title:

Implementing Systems in Chemical Manufacturing for Lasting Energy Efficiency Improvements Through 50001 Ready

Track E: Lessons from Leaders in Industrial Decarbonization

Session E1: Energy Efficiency: The Foundation of Decarbonization

Day 1  3:30 pm



Energy efficiency improvements are key to reaching sustainability goals for many companies. However, instilling lasting change to maintain energy efficiency projects to achieve long term carbon footprint reduction through business cycles, leadership changes, and everyday operation troubleshooting can be a challenge on a chemical manufacturing plant. In this session, I will discuss my experience leading a team at a chemical manufacturing site to form an Energy Management System and become 50001 Ready Recognized by the Department of Energy (DOE). Along with my team’s learnings, I will also share our experience participating in a 50001 Ready Cohort and discuss how we plan to instill energy efficiency improvements into our daily manufacturing routine to allow for long lasting change.